April 27, 2020

Don’t Make These Mistakes During a Solar Setup

Updated: Sept 2024

Avoid Common Solar Installation Mistakes to Maximize System Performance

Switching to solar power offers significant long-term savings, but the process can be overwhelming without proper guidance. Consulting a professional solar expert helps avoid costly errors like attempting an off-grid solar setup.

Understanding Off-Grid vs. On-Grid Systems

California homeowners may seek off-grid solar systems, but most municipalities don’t allow them. Instead, an on-grid system with battery backup is ideal. It stores excess energy to use during peak rates or power outages. Make sure your system complies with local regulations to avoid technical issues.

Planning for Future Energy Needs

When installing solar, consider future energy requirements. Expansion plans, such as having children or adding them to your home, could increase energy usage. Ensure your roof or property has room for system expansion, and carefully size your batteries to meet future demands.

Solar Financing Options

When deciding how to finance your solar system, it’s essential to understand the available options, each with its own benefits. You can purchase the system outright, ensuring maximum savings and immediate ownership.

  1. Paying for Solar in Cash: Purchasing your solar system outright provides the best long-term financial savings. While the initial expense is higher, your ROI typically occurs within a few years, allowing you to enjoy reduced energy costs for decades. Cash buyers also qualify for the federal investment tax credit (ITC), lowering upfront costs.
  2. Financing a Solar System: Financing a solar system is a popular option for homeowners who don’t want to pay up front but still want to own the system. With solar loans, you can spread out payments over several years, often with low interest rates. You still qualify for the ITC and other local incentives, making financing a cost-effective choice for maximizing long-term savings.
  3. Leasing a Solar System: Leasing allows for solar installation with minimal upfront costs. You pay a fixed monthly fee for the system but don’t own it. While you can save on energy bills, you won’t qualify for tax credits, and long-term savings are generally lower.
  4. Power Purchase Agreement (PPA): A PPA lets you buy solar-generated electricity from a third-party provider at a lower rate than utility prices. There’s no system ownership, but you enjoy immediate savings without upfront investment. However, long-term benefits are limited compared to owning the system.

Get Started with Green Convergence

If you're ready to begin your solar journey, contact Green Convergence. Our experts will help design a customized system that meets your needs. Call us at (661) 294-9999 or fill out our contact form to schedule a consultation.

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