March 3, 2020

Finding the Right Financial Plan When Switching to Solar

Discover How Solar Saves You Money and Explore Our Flexible Payment Options

Switching to solar requires some investment upfront, but it proves to be well worth it over time. Not only does solar benefit the environment by creating zero waste or emissions, but it puts more money in your pocket by locking in electricity rates and often eliminating your electricity bill altogether.

But exactly how much does a residential solar system save homeowners in Thousand Oaks and Greater Los Angeles, CA? And what are your financial options? While the answers depend on several variables, we’ll dive deeper into these questions below to help you decide on a plan that’s best for you.

SEE ALSO: Why Choose Green Convergence for Your Solar Power Installation?

Why Solar?

Solar panels generate their own power and can therefore greatly, if not entirely, offset your monthly electricity bill. The higher your bill, the more likely you’ll benefit from switching. Plus, the federal government offers homeowners significant incentives for installing solar panels as an alternate energy source. For example, a residential federal tax credit allows California taxpayers to claim 26% of installation costs for systems placed in service by the end of 2020.

However, saving money depends on more than just finding the cheapest solar on the market. The more electricity you produce with solar, the more money you save, which means you must invest in efficiency and performance rather than simply choosing a solar company with the lowest price per kWh.

The SunPower Difference

When it comes to efficiency, no other solar panel holds a candle to SunPower. SunPower solar panels convert more sunlight into electricity than any other solar panels you can buy for your home. In fact, SunPower holds the world record for the highest efficiency silicon solar panels, which are guaranteed to perform for years longer than other panels.

SunPower panels deliver 55% more energy in the same space as conventional panels and even outperform competitors during minimal light conditions. Due to their modular design, they've also proven to be the easiest to install and reconfigure. When you choose Green Convergence, you can rest assured that you’re saving the most money for your home.

Choose the Right Payment Plan for You

Be sure to choose a solar dealer or installer that provides the most options and the clearest explanation for how to finance your system. Sometimes saving money on solar depends as much on the way you buy it as the panel you choose.

We want to make it as easy as possible for you to go solar. There’s no one “right” way to pay for your system—it depends solely on your financial goals. That’s why we offer multiple payment plans so you can pay for your solar the way that makes the most sense for you.

Make Loan Payments

Own your solar system through loan payments. Your loans can span anywhere from 5-20 years depending on what works best for you. There’s no penalty for paying off your system. Plus, you are still eligible to apply for solar tax credits and government incentives while making loan payments.

Purchase Upfront

Purchasing your solar system upfront is the easiest way to maximize the most savings for your electricity! Although you pay more upfront, you eliminate the hassle of monthly payments from your utility company. Plus, not only are you eligible for tax credits and government incentives, but home equity loans may also be tax-deductible for your system.

We’ll Lease It

When you choose this option, SunPower owns your solar system. The performance of your system is guaranteed for 20 years, and we’ll take full responsibility for fixing any issues to your system that may arise. You can rent the system installed on your home through monthly payments, but you still get to use all the energy you produce. Plus, you can even carry over your solar lease to another homeowner should you decide to sell your property.

Switching to and paying for solar doesn’t have to be a difficult process. Our team at Green Convergence is here to make it easier for you. Learn more about the financial benefits of solar and how to choose a financial plan that best suits your goals by calling us at (661) 491-5111 or filling out our online contact form.


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