September 13, 2015

Going solar? Consumer Reports says, "Consult a roofer first."

Any contractor worth his or her salt will tell you the key to a good construction process is a strong foundation. According to a recent article posted by Consumer Reports, the same goes for your solar installation. A good solar panel installation starts with a strong roof. Makes sense, right?Then why is it that nearly all solar installation companies in Santa Clarita, Los Angeles and the Ventura and Antelope Valleys are only licensed to install solar and not licensed roofing (or electrical) professionals? Well, the state only requires four years of experience—Three of these years could be in-class experience!— with solar installation to apply and receive a solar installation license (2).

That is a pretty measly credential for someone who you’re supposed to trust with one of the most important and expensive structures on your home—your roof. Many of these “solar-only” licensed installation companies take a quick look at your roof and assess its strength based on visuals alone.

Consumer Reports states this is not a recommended way to ensure your home and your investment in solar panels are safe. According to the National Roofing Contractors Association, solar energy systems should be installed by a company who is “well-versed in roofing” and solar (1).

The average solar company in Santa Clarita, Los Angeles, and even in the Ventura and Antelope Valleys does not have the roofing expertise required to get a solar installation done right. If you trust Consumer Reports’ assessment, a savvy, potential solar customer needs to find a solar installation company that has successfully installed hundreds of solar energy systems and holds both roofing and electrical licenses like Green Convergence.

Unlike the competition, the Green Convergence solar installation team is helmed by President DJ Schramm, who brings over 30 years of professional roofing experience to the company. Before helping to found Green Convergence nearly ten years ago, DJ served as the director of one of Chicago’s oldest and most trusted roofing companies.

Green Convergence installs solar with licenses in roofing and electrical.

With the expertise of the National Roofing Contractor’s Association backing them, Consumer Reports makes a strong case for choosing a solar installer with roofing experience like Green Convergence. No one else is better equipped to make sure the weather-proofing and fire safety specifications of the roof beneath your solar installation are up-to-code than a roofing professional. No one else could ensure the safety of the rest of your ro

of during the construction of your solar energy system. No one else could truly know if your roof was safe for solar. The only smart choice is a licensed roofing and electrical professionals with years of solar experience like the staff at Green Convergence.

Still not convinced? Well, consider this—“a roof’s working life can range...from 15 to 30 years” and a solar energy system can last upwards of 25 years (1). This means it is imperative that the roof under your solar array is the same age as (or close in age to) your solar panels.

Most companies will simply slap solar panels on top of your existing roof after a short surface-level inspection and call it a day. But those companies are putting your home and your investment in solar at risk. At Green Convergence, the existing tiles on your roof are often removed completely and replaced with a 50-year warrantied Owens Corning roof so that your investment in solar has the strongest foundation possible.

So if you want to go solar, think of a roofing professional first, think of Green Convergence and give us a call or click today!





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